DEPO$ITION, a brand created in the Bronx located in New York city is releasing their debut drop soon, currently they are doing a giveaway which you can enter here. We initially interviewed the creator of DEPO$ITION, joshavier (also known as sober) in 2018 which you can read here. Before their first drop, find out more about the abstract brand in our exclusive interview.
Who is the creator of Depo$ition?
"My name is joshavier, and I live in Bronx, New York. I spend a majority of my time in Manhattan for college and work. During that time, when I'm outside, I see a lot of different types of fashion, so I get a lot of ideas when it comes to art as I walk past certain things and that inspires me."
How did DEPO$ITION come to be created?
"DEPO$ITION wasn't my name at first. It was one of my bros, he's an artist now, Pyromaniaco, I talked to him when we were in high school. I worked with him and his group when it came to graphic design. That didn't work out and it broke up. I talked to him about the brand's name and asked him if it was okay for me to use, which he let me do.
Recently over the past few months I've been thinking about doing clothing or just designs. Trying to find myself more as a designer and see what I like. At times people say, "Yo, that would look cool on a shirt". I always had the idea of starting it but it wasn't really my intention.
I'm not looking to be the best fashion designer, I'm not looking to be that type of person. It's more for the sense of, it's just a brand for me to express my images. DEPO$ITION is just a word, but it also means you have to put in effort, you have to put in time, you got to put in work. Wherever I am right now is because of all the work I've done so far and I'm planning to just keep working and keep going with it."

What is the meaning/message the brand?
"It's just a form of expression and a way to express yourself."
How would you describe the brand’s style?
"The brand's style is more abstract. I want people to feel like they're walking around with a gallery piece, like they're walking around with an art piece on them. So when they are walk around, people see an art piece and not just a shirt, not just a design, it's more of an illustrated abstract piece, an expression.
I like to express my abstractness on these designs, that's the brand style. Every collection changes up. You will see a lot of abstract designs, simplistic & minimalistic designs, as well as hand-painted pieces on shirts."
What is the hardest part designing a piece for the brand?
"I think the hardest part is probably just coming out with a good design that could keep up with the other designs. I'm always trying to ante up myself, to make myself better. So just trying to find the best way to 1UP myself, having a design that's always better than the next one."

What are your goals for the brand in 2020?
"The way everything is right now, I'm really just looking to be solidified, and have a normal fan base. Once we have our foot down, I don't even care about a following, I want people that genuinely like this shit, I've worn it to studios and rappers have liked it. Having a good fan base is our #1 goal right now.
We need people to be see our shirts and be like, "Oh shit that's a cool looking design what is that?" We need people just to recognize that this isn't an ordinary brand where it has normal graphics. We want to really stand out and have that presence in the community, either in the rap scene, the fashion scene, or just social media."
Are you looking to do collaborations with other brands?
"I'm 100% down to collaborate with any brand. Even if I was big, I wouldn't care if you're just starting out, if the material of your clothing is good, if the designs are good, if you've got a good head on your shoulders or have a good philosophy/work ethic then I'll be down to work with anyone that's willing to work. At the end of the day if you can follow through then we can work"

Ultimate goal for yourself and the brand?
"The ultimate goal for myself and the brand overall is to have a presence to where we are recognized as the brand that always has illustrations on their clothes. I'm been pushing hard because I work with someone for the marketing. My biggest goal for the brand is to be recognized. And I don't care if it's by a big group or small group. When I say small group, I mean like thousands, once we get this thousand, not a thousand followers, but thousands of people to recognize us, people are always going to be by our side people. They always are going to share, like, and comment on our posts. At the end of the day, we want people to buy our clothes, but before the money comes, we need a fan base.
We first need people that believe in us, people that are willing to join, people that are willing to help us out. That's the first goal is to have a support cast and have a good fan base that really cares. Because a majority of these brands that you see out here, that's all they got. They got people that pushed them. Once they get pushed hard enough, they are good to go by themselves.
Final thoughts
Pay attention to what's happening. I talked to a few rappers, given some merch out to people. Anyone else reading this, focus. You have to put your all in your own time and focus on going at your own pace and don't go on no one else's pace.

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