Were you a fan of the highly debated Lasso Christmas special? If so, you’re in luck! Friday provided us with yet another stand-alone episode. Like the Christmas episode, “Beard After Hours” is not here to advance the plot. Instead, we get 45 minutes of Brendan Hunt wandering the dark and rainy streets of London, battling his inner demons.
For those of you who, like me, weren’t thrilled by the timing nor content of the Christmas episode, I can sense your frustration about “Beard After Hours.” At the end of last week, Roy had hugged Jaime, and Becca and Sam were - we must assume - having special time. Where is all this content?!! As I have since learned, Lasso season two was initially written to be only 10 episodes, but Apple ordered two additional episodes after the writers had already finished scripting. Instead of rewriting the entire season, they decided to add in two stand-alone episodes - episodes four and nine of this season. (do we need to hyperlink other articles here?)
There isn’t much to recap in terms of content this past week, so I will offer instead what I am sure nobody comes here for - my opinion! This week’s episode was a treat for a number of reasons. The first is that Brendan Hunt deserved the screen time. Coach Beard is normally the quietest member of the Diamond Dogs and of the core cast as a whole. It’s about time that we learned what he gets up to in his off time. I always knew it would be something weird. The other thing I liked about this episode was the focus it gave to Jeremy, Baz, and Paul (who is one of my favorite side characters). Generally just recognized as the three regulars at the pub who are constantly giving Ted a hard time, the trio rarely gets any development. I appreciated that they finally got a fun episode where we could see them outside the context of a match day.
Ultimately, this week was kind of tracking Beard’s journey to reunite with Jane, his on-again-off-again girlfriend who I personally do not like and who the Diamond Dogs seem to dislike as well. We meet a couple of characters who very clearly will never return, namely Mary and her very strong and scary boyfriend, who chases Beard around London for a couple of hours. I didn’t care much for Mary, but I did like her scary boyfriend. Maybe he will come back someday! Pretty much the only relevant content in this entire episode was a brief scene in which Jaime Tartt’s father and his cronies corner Beard in a dark alley and kick the shit out of him as payback for Beard escorting Mr. Tartt out of the locker room at the end of last week. I guess if we were to have one ongoing antagonist at this point in the season, it would be him? But we’ve seen him in maybe three episodes, so I’m not sure how substantial that is. Whatever. If the showrunners have indicated anything, it is that this Friday should be exciting. My hopes are high!